Monday, April 30, 2012

REVIEW: Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation in 101 Porcelain and Rimmel Lasting Finish in 300 Sand


Rimmel Stay Matte + Skin Pure Complex’s Claims: Shine control formula for 12 hours matte coverage. With SkinPure complex for a visibly complexion and gentle botanical extracts to help soothe sensitive skin. Oil-free. Non-comedogenic. Non-acnegenic. Fragrance free. Paraben free.
Content: 30ml
Shade: Porcelain101

Rimmel Lasting Finish: Transfer resistant formula looks freshly applied for 16 hours. Enriched minerals to help re-energize skin. Comfortable wear.
Content: 30ml
Shade: Sand 300

From Left to Right: Rimmel Lasting Finish in Sand, Rimmel Stay Matte in Porcelain and Skin Food BB Cream in Light Beige

The idea of getting two foundations from Rimmel was to mix them both to get my natural color. I like the formula of this foundation and I must say this stayed true to its promise of being matte, when I first used it I felt like I do not need a loose powder to finish it off. Great! This might be the foundation for me, I found myself saying. The next day, obviously, because I liked the result it gave me, I used it again and just like the first time, it gave me a matte look far from the dewy effect I was used to and I very much prefer. I liked it. I really, really liked it. It stayed and did not stray the whole day. It lasted for about five to six hours. I do need to blot from time to time because I do have oily skin and that’s not new to me. Nothing that bothered me though and I remained contented and happy with the results.  I do need to be really candid though in saying that I will NEVER use this stuff again. When I went home that night, I immediately noticed a zit but I went on washing my face as I normally would and never really paid much attention to it. The next day, I was like amazed by how that zit grew and not only that, that small zit invited friends and there was like a party of pimples on my poor face. I stopped using it, needless to say but I did not stop there, thinking that it was something else and not the foundation, I need to eliminate all the possible causes of my pimples. And so, I washed my entire collection of makeup brushes, sponges and all that jazz just to make sure. When the pimples eventually healed, I went on and used it again using my newly washed brushes. And again, pimples occurred on my forehead, my chin everywhere. Crazy! And because I am stubborn, I tried it one last time using a dabbing motion, very light dab on my face thinking that maybe the application routine could make a difference. It did NOT. So if you’re like me, who has sensitive oily skin, I must warn you about this possible scenario should you decide to use this foundation. It also has a scent that I did not particularly like, a plasticky, chemical like smell that I tried to ignore because I like the coverage it gave me. The idea of using a foundation can vary from person to person. It can be coverage, to even out the skin and although you might feel like this one was a gem because of the price (I got it for PHP250 for 30ml) at the end of the day, skincare is still more important than any kind of makeup. With that said, this thing, unfortunately, did not work for me. Hope you are all doing great!:)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

REVIEW: Skin Food’s Red Bean BB Cream

Before the actual review, let me give you an idea (for those who are not familiar with the company) of what their advocacy is. Skin Food started with a motto, “good food for health is also good for the skin.” Their claim includes delivering complete nutrition to skin through strict selection of food that they incorporate to their products.

Name of Product: Red Bean BB Cream SPF 20 PA+

Actual Product Claim: A hydrating BB cream with red beans that nourishes and moisturizes rough skin while providing natural yet flawless coverage, even when applied in a thin layer.

My Skin Type: Oily combination, NC 25-30
Duration of use: Six Months

I normally use a pea size amount using my fingers spread it evenly to my entire face and neck in a circular motion. I hear from others that BB creams in general looks gray on them, well, I did not experience the same thing. The coverage I would say is light to medium so I would not suggest this to people who have acne marks and needs more coverage. It is very moisturizing and easy to blend. I first thought that I got a slightly lighter shade (No.1 Light Beige) than of my complexion but honestly, it showed up pretty nicely and I got compliments from it. The product does have an SPF 20 which takes me to an experience where I was photographed looking like a ghost because of the white cast it gives. I’d say though that it lasted a good six hours and take note that I am in a very humid country. I got it for PHP650 in a 45ml squeeze tube which is not bad for that price point. The packaging is also neat nothing fancy but it is certainly not cheap looking, at least for me. Once applied, it has a very faint smell but nothing over powering that would lead you to shy away from it. I am very sensitive to scents too so I assume that the product’s scent would not bother any other users.

Who would want to use it?
  •  People who wants to even out their skin but wanted a very natural dewy effect
  • People with dry skin since the product is very moisturizing
  • People who often travel. It is very easy to carry around or squeeze inside your cosmetic pouch.

Who would NOT want to use it?
  • People who needs more coverage.

Would I repurchase it?
  • Yes definitely! But for now, I wanted to try other higher end BB creams to check how they perform when compared to this affordable one I got from Skin Food.

 Please feel free to comment or ask me questions about the product if there is something I missed. Take  care!:)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

REVIEW: FAKE Victoria's Secret Mist in New Packaging

We had a very interesting day today. We decided to head to “China Town” of Davao City to look for some baskets and then we realized it must be a great time to also wander around and scout for fake VS mists and BBW if we can find one. We have been getting requests and tons of questions about it. And to our luck, we found a small store located conveniently at the center of the mini plaza. Looking from afar, Pat immediately noticed some difference; I guess I was not focusing my attention enough because I got blinded by the bright lights they surrounded their merchandise with. We started to ask for prices and the lady was kind enough to answer all of our questions. The old packaging was priced at PHP120 while the new packaging was at PHP130 each. We asked if we could get one VS old packaging and two new packaging to get their wholesale price but the lady declined. We were eyeing for a good buy especially because it will only be for the purpose of this blog. We went to the store to take some pictures and scrutinized each bottle comparing it closely to the real macoy. Here are things we noticed up close between a fake Victoria’s Secret mists compared to an original one.

You can easily notice that the real one is taller than the fake mist. The fake one also has a darker shade.


Look closely and you’ll notice that the cap of the fake mist is smokey almost an opaque meringue while the real one is clear. The gold bezel also has a ring-like groove at the base.

The scent descriptions of the two were also different. The fonts, the color of the ribbon near the name, the hose, the drawing were all very different.

They also got the bottom wrong. The real one leaning towards almost like a perfect circle while the fake was more oblong shaped. 

If we were to mention, the price indicated were also different. The real one tagged as USD12.00 while the fake mist was tagged USD9.00. I was thinking that they got this price from the old VS packaging.

We also smelled it just to cover every single detail of this comparison and the fake definitely proved to smell almost like an alcohol. There was a flowery scent that you may pick up but the alcohol was so strong one sprayed, I personally do not think it can last a good thirty minutes. There were a lot of texts and emails claiming that they cannot identify the difference between the real one and the fake mists nowadays. I guess I was expecting more similarity, but much to my surprise, if you are used to seeing the real ones, you will hardly be deceived by these copycats. They are in no way comparable to the real one. To end this, I’d like to say, if you are looking for an alcohol, just go get an alcohol and not a fancy looking bottle of fake VS mist that smells like a notch fancier greencross.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Signs: Why I do NOT Believe In It

Signs: Why I do NOT Believe In It


For some reason whatever we do, we seem to be looking for signs as to whether or not to continue. We first want something; we chase it, go after it and promise to give our all. And then, an answered prayer or a magical mojo came in place and you finally we own it. You finally have it. And then we suddenly develop this mantra that we are just waiting for that one sign to stop, to not continue whatever it is that we once fought and worked hard for to get.  Why are we doing that? What is causing all that? With all this in mind, I just abolish all possibilities of me thinking about any “signs” to come. I am much more comfortable with thinking that I control things. I just don’t wait for signs. I take responsibilities for my actions and I will persevere. Yes, you heard it right, PERSISTENCE PAYS! Whatever it is that you are going through right now, whether concerning your job, your relationship, a struggle of some sort. You will get over that. DO NOT WAIT FOR SIGNS. Deep inside your heart, you know what you wanted. You know what to do. The problem is do you have the guts to fight for it? When it concerns my life, I take full accountability. No signs for me. Just actions, persistence and a whole lot of guts. Have a wonderful day everyone!:)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

“A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting.”
Christian Dior

As a perfume user for years, I can definitely say I cannot step out the door without it. Never. It has been a huge part of my life that even wearing a simple white tee can transform you into a princess LOL I feel like just because you smell so damn good! Well, that’s just me. The thing is although we perfume users feel it’s a need more than a want, it can be expensive. Four years ago I discovered perfume testers and I must admit, I too was hesitant to try it but I cannot help it, I just need to try it. Here is a brief description of how perfume testers differ from regular perfumes that we see in our local malls:

Perfume Testers are the original perfume, in its original bottle, simply offered usually without its top or box. There is NO DIFFERENCE in fragrance, strength, or quality between a fragrance tester and one that comes in its original box, they're the same! All the testers are sold full and unused.  Testers have not been "tested." Just to be clear, these are original perfumes and NOT China, Singapore versions. Testers come with or without caps inside a plain white or brown box.

 This is an example of a regular packaging that we often purchase from our local malls.

 This is a perfume tester "with cap" sometimes depending on the brand, testers does not have a cap. It is packaged in a plain white box.

 At the back of the bottle, it is clearly stated "tester-demonstration"

I must say it has been years since I first started to use perfume testers and I can definitely say that I get the same exact thing out of it compared to those fancy boxed regular one’s that we get from our local malls. I also like the box, the cap but at the end of the day, what we need is the content and not those fancy stuff that comes with it. I just don’t see the point of spending more money because of a fancy box. The truth is, most of the time, it ends up in the trash bins anyway. This is just my opinion. You can have very valid reasons why you wanted to get regular one’s over testers but for me, unless it’s for a gift then I am happy and very satisfied with my tester perfumes. Take care!:)